
Chapter 2. Red Hat Update Agent 33 Package Exceptions Settings
The Package Exceptions tab allows you to define which packages to exclude from the list of updated
RPM packages according to the package name or file name (see Figure 2-26).
To define a set of packages to be excluded according to the package name, enter a character string
including wild cards (*) in the Add new text field under in the Package Names to Skip section. A
wild card at the end of the character string means all packages beginning with the character string will
be excluded from the list. A wild card at the beginning of the character string means any packages
that end with the character string will be excluded from the list.
For example, if the string kernel* in the Package Names to Skip section, the Red Hat Update
Agent will not display any packages beginning with kernel.
To exclude packages by file name, follow the same rules except click the Add button next to the File
Names to Skip section.
Figure 2-26. Package Exceptions Settings
2.4.2. Command Line Version
The command line version of this tool performs the same function as the graphical version. It allows
you to configure the settings used by the Red Hat Update Agent and store them in the configuration
file /etc/sysconfig/rhn/up2date.
To run the command line version of the Red Hat Update Agent Configuration Tool, use the follow-
ing command:
up2date --nox --configure
You will be presented with a list of options and their current values:
0. debug No
1. isatty Yes