Operating in Maximum Security Environments
Polycom, Inc. 35
If the CMA system detects an intrusion, it displays a system alert on the user
interface. The alert text will indicate the type of intrusion detected, such as:
• Port scan detected. See audit log for details.
• DoS attack detected. See audit log for details.
• Flood attack detected. See audit log for details.
Troubleshooting in Maximum Security Mode
Troubleshooting Utilities
A CMA system operating in maximum security mode has most of the same
troubleshooting utilities of the standard commercial CMA system; however
the Traces functionality has changed and functionality has been added. The
following sections describe the troubleshooting utilities.
Windows Event Logs
There is no change in the Windows Event Logs function.
CMA System Logs
There is no change in the CMA System Logs function.
Database Backup
There is no change in the Database Backup function.
Test Network Connect
The Test Network Connect function allows you to perform a Traceroute or
Ping operation. Traceroute allows you to investigate the route path and transit
times of packets as they travel across an IP network. Ping allows you to test the
availability of a host on an IP network.
Synchronize Certificate Stores
The Synchronize Certificate Stores function allows you to reset all certificate
stores with the currently uploaded certificates and certificate revocation lists
The Systems pane displays summary information about the devices that
access the CMA system. For a CMA system operating in maximum security
mode, systems are limited to Endpoints, MCUs, and Rooms.