Polycom CMA System Operations Guide
214 Polycom, Inc.
ISDN Video
For ISDN devices only, the country code + city/area code +
phone number for the device.
When you add an endpoint without native ISDN, the ISDN
gateway, country code, and area code are not captured.
The CMA system only supports native ISDN.
Site The network site for the device. By default, devices are
added to the Primary Site.
Software Version The version of the software installed on the device (ASCII
only). The device provides the version number if it
registered successfully or is managed.
Serial Number The serial number (ASCII only) of the device.The device
provides the serial number if it registered successfully or is
Available to
Select this option to make the device available when users
are scheduling conferences.
The Available to schedule field is disabled for MGC and
RMX devices.
Monitoring Level (Endpoints only—grayed out for MCU devices.)
The monitoring level for the device. Possible values include:
•Standard. This device is monitored.
•VIP. This device is monitored closely. The VIP identifier
and filters are available to operators to monitor and
manage conferences.
The communications protocols that the device can support.
Possible values include:
• IP (H.323) - A standard that defines the protocols used
for multimedia communications on packet-based
networks, such as IP.
• ISDN (H.320) - A standard that defines the protocols
used for multimedia communications on switched
networks, such as ISDN.
For devices with the type Unknown, select H.323.
The device automatically provides the protocols if it
registered successfully or is managed.
• If an endpoint is configured as a gateway (ISDN), only
the H.323 check box is selected. If the endpoint
supports true ISDN, the H.323 and ISDN check boxes
are selected.
• RMX MCUs support only the H.323 protocol.
Field Description