Polycom CMA System Operations Guide
442 Polycom, Inc.
3 Continue adding prefixes ranges as necessary. To delete a range, select
the range and click the Delete button for it.
When you’ve specified all the prefix ranges, click Update.
Alternate Gatekeeper Management Operations
Alternate Gatekeeper Management Operations include:
• Add an Alternate Gatekeeper
• Edit the Alternate Gatekeeper Settings
• Remove the Alternate Gatekeeper
Add an Alternate Gatekeeper
To add an alternate gatekeeper
1 Go to Admin > Gatekeeper Settings > Alternate Gatekeeper.
2 On the Alternate Gatekeeper page, enter the required gatekeeper
The Alternate Gatekeeper Settings include these fields:
3 Click Update.
Field Description
Need to Register Check this box to require that a endpoint register with the
alternate gatekeeper before sending other registration
admission status requests.The default setting is
Gatekeeper ID
The alternate gatekeeper’s network identifier (ASCII only)
IP Address The IP address of the alternate gatekeeper
Port The port number (usually
) that the alternate
gatekeeper uses to communicate with endpoints
Priority Indicates the alternate gatekeeper’s priority for endpoint
registration. A lower number has higher priority (the range
), so endpoints would first register with an
alternate gatekeeper with a priority of 0. The default
setting is