Polycom CMA System Operations Guide
356 Polycom, Inc.
Directory Management Supported Configurations
There are many possible configurations available within Microsoft Active
Directory, some of which are not fully supported by the CMA system. This
section describes the implications of different Microsoft Active Directory
configurations for integrating with the CMA system.
Multiple Forests
Microsoft Active Directory may be set up in either a single-forest or
multi-forest configuration. However, the CMA system requires that user
accounts reside in a single forest.
Multiple Domains
Microsoft Active Directory forests may contain one or more domains. In either
configuration, the directory must have a Global Catalog service. The CMA
system can integrate to either single or multiple domains, so long as they
reside in the same forest structure.
Microsoft Active Directory domains are organized into trees, each tree being a
group of domains which share a consistent DNS namespace (ex: polycom.com
and na.polycom.com would be in the same tree, while polycom.com and
CMADevelopment.net would be separate trees, if they were in the same
forest). The CMA system will integrate to all domains in a multi-tree forest.
Viable options:
1 Integrate to all domains of a multi-domain forest configuration.
2 Restrict to a single domain tree in a multi-domain forest through the use
of LDAP Search baseDN criteria.
Microsoft Active Directory provides three group scopes: Universal, Global,
and Domain Local. Both Global groups and Universal Groups are held on all
Global Catalog servers in the forest. The CMA system supports only the
Universal groups.
Microsoft Active Directory provides two group types: Security and
Distribution. The CMA system supports either of these group types.