
Multiple Address Books
Polycom, Inc. 375
View the Address Book List and Details
To view the address book list and details
1 Go to Admin > Directories > Address Books.
The Address Book list appears, with details of the selected address book
in the right pane.
2 In the Address Book Details in the right pane, expand the tree to view
the tiers along with users, endpoints, rooms, groups, and guests
associated with the address book.
Add an Address Book
You can add many address books to the CMA system, and each address book
can have up to 100 tiers.
Tiers are only meant to allow you to organize the address book contents. They
will not be visible to endpoint users when they access the directory. Each tier
can have up to three subtiers., and you can have address book entries at any
tier level.
Associating users, endpoints, rooms, groups, and guests with an address book
controls where these entities appear. For example, if you associate user A with
address book A, the user will appear as an entry in address book A. You can
associate any of these entities with more than one address book, and the entity
will appear as entry in each address book.
Groups in the CMA system control the address book users, endpoints, and
rooms have access to. To set which address book an entity has access to, see
“Assign Address Books to Groups” on page 379.
To add an address book
1 Go to Admin > Directories > Address Books.
2 Click Add.
Column Description
Priority The priority affects which address book a user sees. For
example, if a user is a member of two different groups and
each group is assigned a different address book, the user
will see the address book that is higher in priority.
Address Books Name of the address book.
Description A brief description of the address book.