Dial Plan Setup Operations
Polycom, Inc. 489
MCU Service
These services allow devices to use specific MCU features and settings when
making a call. For example, an MCU can define a service for a multipoint video
call with continuous presence at 384 Kbps and another service for video
switching at 256 Kbps.
MCU services and their associated prefixes are defined at the MCU. For MGC
or RMX
MCUs, the MCU services should appear automatically in the List of
Services page when the MCU registers with the CMA system. Because
third-party MCUs may not automatically register, you must enter them
manually in the CMA system.
Use MCU services to dial the IP gateway segment that translates between IP
and ISDN, in conference calls with two or more participants, or continuous
Services operations include:
• View the Services List
• Add a Service
• Edit a Service
• Delete a Service
Field Name Description
Service Type Type of service.
Enable Indicates whether this service is enabled or not.
Available for New Groups The service is available for new user groups.
Description Description of the service. To identify it easily in the
List of Services page, include the prefix and the
MCU feature (for example, 384 K video switching).
Service Prefix The prefix for this service, which must be a E.164
alias that is registered for the MCU on the Device