1 Introduction
1.1 What is Table
TableWare is designed to calculate characterization coefficients for platinum,
thermistor, and thermocouple probes. The types of coefficients that can be cal
culated are: ITS-90 for platinum probes; IPTS-68 for platinum probes;
Callendar-Van Dusen for platinum probes; Polynomial for platinum and therm
istor probes; and coefficients for thermocouple probes types B, E, J, K, N, R, S,
T, and AuPt.
The raw data used to calculate coefficients may be entered into the software di
rectly or imported into the software from an ASCII text file. TableWare creates
a report that can be either printed to a printer or exported to an ASCII text file.
TableWare also generates Temperature vs. Resistance, Temperature vs. Ratio,
and Temperature vs. EMF tables based on ITS-90, IPTS-68, Callendar-Van
Dusen, Polynomial or Thermocouple coefficients.
1.2 License agreement
For information and details regarding the software End User License Agree-
ment (EULA), refer to the online help file’s License Agreement topic.
1.3 Features
A list of new features and enhancements in version 2 of the TableWare follows:
Version 2.4
1. The logos and graphics displayed in TableWare have been updated.
Version 2.3
1. Prior to this version, the Shared Files Conflict dialog always appeared
when running the software in Windows NT with the file
COMMDLG.DLL listed. Even though the software works fine despite
this file conflict, this dialog no longer appears.
2. When generating Temperature vs. Ratio tables, the Inverse Difference
column was incorrectly labeled “dT/dr”. The label has been changed to
correctly read “dT/dW”.
3. When generating Temperature vs. Resistance tables or Temperature vs.
Ratio tables in °F, the values in the First Derivative (dr/dT) column and
Inverse Difference column (dT/dW) displayed the values as if the table
was in °C.
4. The Extrapolating message incorrectly appeared when generating a table
when; a) the Table Scale was set to °F or K and, b) the Minimum Temp.
1 Introduction
What is TableWare?