3.4.2 Polynomial, CVD, and IPTS-68 coefficients
The raw data for calculating Polynomial, CVD and IPTS-68 coefficients can be
imported from an ASCII text file or exported to and ASCII file by selecting the
Import or export button on the Raw Data dialog.The file containing the im
port/export raw data should be saved with a .TXT extension.
Note: The International Settings must be set according to the information
in the Installation section before attempting to import or export raw data.
For Polynomial, Callendar-Van Dusen, and IPTS-68 coefficients, the file must
follow the format outlined below in Figure 17.
A comma “,” should only be used to separate two distinct values. Do not
use the comma as a thousands separator.
The first line consists of each temperature to be used to calculate the coeffi
cients. The temperatures do not need to be in any specific order.
The second line consists of the resistances corresponding to each of the temper-
atures in line 1. The order of the resistances must match the order of the tem-
peratures (i.e. resistance1 must be the resistance at temperature1, resistance4
must be the resistance at temperature4, etc.)
Example: ASCII text file for Polynomial coefficients (Platinum probes).
Example: ASCII text file for Polynomial coefficients (Thermistor probes).
Example: ASCII text file for Callendar-Van Dusen coefficients.
3 Coefficients menu
Import/export file format
Figure 17 Import file format for polynomial, CVD, and IPTS-68 coefficients