Dialog information
The Probe Information dialog allows the user to enter two captions and values
to identify the test probe or UUT (Unit Under Test) for which coefficients are
calculated. The captions default to “Model:” and “Serial:” but may be changed
as needed. Any text may be entered into the boxes provided. However, there is
limited space on the report and table to display this information.
3.2 Coefficients
The coefficient dialog which is displayed after the Continue button is selected
from the Probe Information dialog, is dependent on the Coefficients menu op
tion selected.
3.2.1 Platinum probe
The Platinum Probe Coefficients dialog (Figure 9) is displayed when the Con
tinue button is selected from the Probe Information dialog and the coefficients
being calculated are for a platinum probe.
Enabled and disabled
All options are enabled at all times.
Dialog information
The choices for platinum probes are ITS-90, IPTS-68, Callendar-Van Dusen,
and Polynomial. Depending on the coefficient type, additional information may
or may not be required.
If the type selected is ITS-90, the low range and high range selection are
required. The choices for low range are Range 4, Range 5, or None. The
9933 TableWare
User’s Guide
Figure 9 Platinum Probe Coefficients dialog (ITS-90 selected)