Dialog information
The Type and Range tab allows the user to select the type of table to generate
and the temperature range for the table. The choices for the type of table are:
Temperature vs. Resistance - For ITS-90, IPTS-68, Callendar-Van Dusen,
and Polynomial coefficients
Temperature vs. Ratio - For ITS-90 and IPTS-68 coefficients only
Temperature vs. EMF (μV) - For Thermocouple coefficients only
Temperature vs. EMF (mV) - For Thermocouple coefficients only
The choices for temperature scales are °C, °F, and K. The temperature scale
defaults to the Reference Scale selected on the Raw Data dialog when coeffi
cients are calculated or to °C when generating a table after entering
The minimum temperature, maximum temperature and step size must be en
tered. These values are in the currently selected temperature scale. The mini
mum temperature and maximum temperature values are limited to –270°C and
2650°C (–454°F and 4802°F) respectively. However, the equations used to gen-
erate table values may not be able to calculate values over the full range. If a
message is displayed during calculations stating that a calculation error oc-
curred, you may need to increase the minimum temperature or decrease the
maximum temperature. The Table Temperature Ranges chart in Section 3.6 lists
the recommended ranges for generating tables.
Note: Changing the selected temperature scale converts the minimum and
maximum temperature values to that scale.
The step size is the increment between each temperature value on the table. The
step size must be between 0.01 and 100.00. The step size defaults to 1.00.
Below the temperature settings are various options for the selected type of
For Temperature vs. Resistance tables, the first derivative value can be
printed by selecting the “Print first derivative (dr/dT)” option.
For Temperature vs. Ratio tables, the inverse difference value can be
printed by selecting the “Print inverse difference (dT/dW)” option.
For Temperature vs. EMF (μV) tables, the error value can be printed by
selecting the “Print Error (μV)” option.
For Temperature vs. EMF (mV) tables, selecting the “Print Error (mV)”
option can print the error value. Table options—resolutions
The Resolutions tab is displayed after selecting the Resolutions tab on the Ta
ble Options dialog.
9933 TableWare
User’s Guide