e) Type N
f) Type R
g) Type S
h) Type T
i) Type AuPt (Gold-Platinum)
5. The temperature range for the Thermocouple type must be selected. The
following ranges can be selected:
Type Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 Other
Type B 0 to 630.615°C 630.615 to 1820°C N/A N/A
Type E -270 to 0°C 0 to 1000°C N/A N/A
Type J -210 to 760°C 760 to 1200°C N/A N/A
Type K -270 to 0°C 0 to 1372°C N/A N/A
Type N -270 to 0°C 0 to 1300°C N/A N/A
Type R -50 to 1064.18°C 1064.18 to 1664.5°C 1664.5 to 1768.1°C –50°C to 1768.1°C (using
Type S -50 to 1064.18°C 1064.18 to 1664.5°C 1664.5 to 1768.1°C –50°C to 1768.1°C (using
Type T -270 to 0°C 0 to 400°C N/A N/A
Type AuPt 0 to 1000°C
(8th order Canadian
0 to 1000°C
(9th order American
*Selecting this range allows Table
to automatically select the appropriate reference function to use to calculate the EMF at each tem
perature. Selecting one of the other ranges forces Table
to use the reference function for the selected range to calculate the EMF for
ALL temperatures.
6. Each set-point for Thermocouple probes can have an associated Cold
Junction Compensation (CJC) reading. If CJC values are not needed,
leave the CJC boxes blank. The UUT reading at each set-point is ad
justed according the CJC reading for that set-point prior to calculating
coefficients. The UUT readings are not adjusted prior to calculating coef
ficients if values are not entered in the CJC boxes.
7. Residuals are calculated for each set-point used in calculating the coeffi
cients. For Thermocouple probes, the residuals are in the scale that the
UUT readings were entered in (mV or μV).
8. The following Thermocouple coefficients are calculated: (The values of
these coefficients are the sum of the standard coefficients and the devia
tion calculated using the selected set-points.)
a) c1
3 Coefficients menu
Requirements for calculating coefficients