ton is selected on the Coefficients and Residuals dialog or when the OK button
is selected on the Enter Coefficients dialog.
Enabled and disabled
Controls on the Resolutions tab are disabled unless the “Use custom resolu-
tions” option is selected.
Dialog information
The Table Options dialog allows the user to set parameters for generating a ta
ble by selecting any of the three tabs; Type and Range, Resolutions, and Other
Settings. The Type and Range tab is for selecting the type of table, temperature
scale, range of temperatures and step size. The Resolutions tab is for specifying
decimal settings for temperature, calculated values, and other resolutions. The
Other Settings tab is for setting the export delimiter, starting page number, font
and font size.
The Export button writes the identifying information that was entered on the
Probe Information dialog, coefficient type, table type and table data to an
ASCII text file. The table data is separated by the delimiter specified on the
Other Settings tab.
The Print Table button generates and prints the table to the default printer.
When you select the Print Table button, your ranges are checked against the Ta
ble Temperature Ranges chart (see Section 3.6). If your selected temperatures
exceed the values on the table, a warning message is displayed stating that val
ues beyond the table values will be extrapolated.
If the “Prompt to enter date that appears on report” check box on the File|De
faults General tab is checked, the Enter Date dialog (Figure 20) appears after
9933 TableWare
User’s Guide
Figure 22 Table Options dialog