
Mode combinations
To combine modes you simply select and set more than one mode
before you press the LF button to leave SelecType. After beginning
the procedure in the normal way and pressing the ON LINE button
to select a function and the FF button to set it, you do not press the
LF button. Instead, you press the ON LINE button the required
number of times to select another mode and set that mode with the
FF button. When you have selected and set all the modes you want,
press the LF button to leave SelecType.
Don’t worry about harming your printer if you try to combine
two modes that the LX-80 can’t mix. Your settings cannot damage
the printer because it is prepared for the possibility of receiving codes
for conflicting modes. If it receives codes for two modes that it can’t
combine, it uses only one of the codes.
The essential element in combining modes is keeping a correct
count of the number of times you press the ON LINE button. You
do not start counting again after you press the FF button the first
time. Instead, you continue the count. Therefore, pressing the ON
LINE button three times, then the FF button, then the ON LINE
button two more times and the FF button again gives you a combina-
tion of double-strike and elite. The first pressings of the ON LINE
button select double-strike and the next two give a total of five, which
is the number for elite. The number of times you press ON LINE is
For another example, follow these steps to combine NLQ with
emphasized for a crisp, bold effect:
1) See that the ON LINE and READY lights are on. Then press the
ON LINE and FF buttons at the same time.