
4. Data transfer must be carried out by observing the ACKNLG or
BUSY signal. (Data transfer to this printer can be carried out only
after receipt of the ACKNLG signal or when the level of the
BUSY signal is LOW.)
5. Under normal conditions, printer cable pins 11, 12, and 32 are
activated when the paper-end condition is detected. The ESCape
“8” code disables pins 11 and 32, but not pin 12. Those computers
that monitor pin 12 halt printing when the paper is out, making
ESCape “8” ineffective.
Data Transfer Sequence
Interface timing
Figure I-1 shows the timing for the parallel interface.
Figure I-1. Parallel interface timing
Signal relationships
Table I-2 shows the way data entry is handled in the on-line and
off-line states by showing the relationships between seven signal sets.