1) See that both the ON LINE and READY lights are on.
2) Press the ON LINE and FF buttons at the same time.
3) Press the ON LINE button five times (the code for elite). You
should hear a beep each time you press the button.
4) Press the FF button to set elite.
5) Press the LF button to leave SelecType and return the panel but-
tons to their standard functions.
Now press the ON LINE button and print your file again, using
exactly the same command that you used before. If your document
comes out in elite as in our example below, you can forget about
resetting codes and continue to use SelecType as described above.
If your example is once again printed in pica, turn your printer off
and back on. Then try the steps above one more time to be sure that
you made no mistakes. If your printout is still in pica after the second
test, turn to Appendix F for an explanation of how to solve the
Now that you know the basics of using SelecType, all you need to
learn is how to combine modes and how to avoid unexpected results
with SelecType.
Mode Combinations
In addition to the five typestyles available with SelecType, there are
also many combinations of those five that you can use. Table 2-2
shows which modes can be combined. An X in a box indicates that
the two modes can be combined.