
Paper-out sensor
Can’t deactivate paper-out sensor
Computer systems that monitor
with DIP switch l-5 or ESCape
printer cable pin 12 will ignore
both ESCape “8” and the setting
of switch l-5. These systems will
stop the printing when no paper
is in contact with the paper-end
detector (a small switch located
beneath the platen). Certain prin-
ter cables are designed to over-
come this problem, or you can
tape a business card over the
switch. Be sure to remove the
card if you use a cut-sheet feeder,
SelecType Solutions
If you have found that your software sends a resetting code and
wipes out your SelecType settings, one of the following methods
should help you find a way around the problem.
Method 1
Use the installation program for your software to remove the
initialization code. See your software manual for details.
Method 2
Without using SelecType, give your program the command to
print your document. Then, before the printing actually starts, give
the command to stop printing. Now use SelecType to select com-
pressed mode using the following steps:
1) Be sure that both the ON LINE and READY lights are on.
2) Press the ON LINE and FF buttons at the same time.
3) Press the ON LINE button four times (the code for compressed).
4) Press the FF button to set compressed.
5) Press the LF button to exit SelecType.
6) Press the ON LINE button.