Switch 1-5 controls the paper-end detector. When it is ON, the
detector is inactive, causing printing to continue even when the print-
er is out of paper. When it is OFF, the printer stops when the end of
the paper passes the paper-end detector. Some computer systems
ignore the setting of this switch. See Appendix F.
Switch 1-4 selects the paper length. When it is OFF, the length is 11”;
when it is ON, the length is 12”.
Switch 1-3 controls the optional cut-sheet feeder. When it is ON, the
cut-sheet feeder is enabled. When it is OFF, the cut-sheet feeder is
Switch l-2 selects draft or Near Letter Quality. When it is ON, the
printer prints in the NLQ mode. When it is OFF, it prints in the draft
mode. If the switch is off, you can still use the NLQ mode by using
SelecType or an ESCape code.
Switch 1-1 selects condensed or pica printing. ON is condensed; OFF
is pica. Regardless of the setting, you can still select condensed with
SelecType and either condensed or pica with ESCape codes.
Switch 2-4 enables the beeper to sound when it is OFF; when it is
ON, the beeper cannot sound.
Switch 2-3 controls line feeds. When it is ON, the LX-80 performs an
automatic line feed with each carriage return; when it is OFF, the
computer system sends the line feeds. If your printing has an extra
space between lines, turn the switch OFF. If all the lines of your
printing are on top of each other, turn the switch ON. This switch
enables the LX-80 to match either type of computer system.
Switch 2-2 selects the printer. When it is ON, the printer cannot be
deactivated by software codes. When it is OFF, the printer is inactive
until it receives the proper software code.
Switch 2-1 controls the printing of zeros. When it is ON, the zeros
are slashed
when it is OFF, they are not.