
Data dump mode, F-6-8
Data transfer sequence, I-3
Density. See Graphics mode
Dimensions of printer, H-3
DIP switches, D-1-3
Dot graphics. See Graphics
Dot matrix, 23-27
Double-strike mode, 43
ESCape “G” t
urns it on; ESCape “H” turns it off.
Can also be set with SelecType
Driver. See printer driver
Dumping data in hexadecimal, F-6-8
Elite mode, 24-25, 37-38
“M” turns it on; ESCape “P’ turns it off.
Can also be set with SelecType
Embedded codes, 32
Emphasized mode, 41-43
ESCape “E” turns it on; ESCape “F:” turns it off.
Can also be set with SelecType
Environment, specifications for, H-3
Epson computer, 80, F-14
ESCape code, 30
listed by function, C-l-3
listed by number, B-1-10
ESCape “!“. Master select, 47-49
Selects a character set, B-3
ESCape “&“. Defines characters, B-3
Graphics mode command, 81
ESCape “ -0”. Turns underline mode off, 46-47
ESCape ‘
-1”. Turns underline mode on, 46-47
ESCape “0”. Sets line spacing to 1/8”, 58
ESCape “1”. Sets line spacing to 7/72”, 58
ESCape “2”. Sets line spacing to 1/6”, 58
ESCape “3”. Sets line spacing in 216ths of an inch, B-4
ESCape “4”. Turns italic mode on, 45-46
ESCape “5”. Turns italic mode off, 45-46
ESCape “8”. Turns paper-out sensor off, 59
ESCape “9”. Turns paper-out sensor on, 59
ESCape “:“.
Copies ROM characters to the RAM area, B-4
ESCape “<‘I. Turns one-line unidirectional mode on, B-4
ESCape “?“.
Reassigns an alternate graphics code, 81
ESCape “@,“. Reset code, 38
ESCape “A”. Sets line spacing in 72nds of an inch, B-5
ESCape “C”. Sets the form length, B-5
ESCape “D”. Sets horizontal tabs, B-6