56 C1624M-F (9/07)
The Alarm Manager tab contains the following information and commands:
In Endura systems you can acknowledge or snooze an alarm notification. You also may read administrator comments about the alarm or add a
note to the system log explaining your response. If there are more alarms than can fit in the list, you can resize the list by dragging the bottom
right corner to a larger size.
Endura also stores information about alarm events in a system log.
In addition to user notifications, alarms may also trigger the activation of scripts, setting one or more other events in motion. Possible scripted
responses to an alarm include sending e-mails, positioning cameras, recording video from nearby cameras, and displaying the video from nearby
cameras. Program scripts from the Scripts tab in the Setup screen. For information about creating a script, refer to the Creating Scripts section in
the operation manual.
You can be notified of the alarm event in several ways:
• An alarm notification sound may occur.
• E-mail can be sent to you.
• The alarm icons are displayed in the upper-right corner of the application window. The alarms are color-coded as
– Green: Normal alarm.
– Yellow: Minor alarm.
– Orange: Major alarm.
– Red: Critical alarm.
• The alarm notification icon flashes in the Alarms tab .
Alarm Notification Icons: The alarm icons are displayed in the upper-right corner of the application window.
The alarms are color-coded as follows:
• Green represents: Normal alarm.
• Yellow: Minor alarm.
• Orange: Major alarm.
• Red: Critical alarm.
List of Active Alarms: A list of active alarms is updated as new alarms occur on the Endura system, and existing alarms are deleted
from the list as you acknowledge them. As you select an alarm in the list, additional information about the alarm appears on the tab.
Snooze and Acknowledge Commands: Use these commands to remove alarms from the list. Select an alarm and then click
Snooze to remove the alarm from the list temporarily. The alarm reappears in the list after the snooze time has been reached. The
snooze time is set on the Users configuration page. The default snooze time is one minute. Click the Acknowledge button to remove
the alarm from the list permanently. If you select several alarms and then click a command, the group of alarms is removed from the
list temporarily or permanently.
Alarm History Information: As you select an alarm in the list, any available information about the history of the selected alarm
appears in this window. If this window is blank, then no information has been recorded about the history of the alarm.
Add to Log Command: Click this command to add a custom message to the log.
Log Entry Window: Use this window to enter a custom message about the alarm, and then click the Add to Log command.
Comments Window: Use this window to review any comments that have been added to the log either automatically by the system,
or manually by users. You cannot change the comments in this window. To add more comments, enter the information in the Log entry
Details: Use this area of the tab to review specific information about the selected alarm. Details about the alarm include the camera
associated with the alarm, the name of the alarm, and the time at which the alarm occurred.
Preview Window: Use this window to view video associated with the selected alarm event: To view any video associated with the
alarm on a workspace, click the “Send all associated cameras to workspace” button , which is located beside the camera name
in the Details window.
Show Tab on Alarm: Check this box if you want the Alarm Manager tab to open each time an alarm occurs. By default, this setting
is disabled.