18 C1624M-F (9/07)
Configuring the WS5000 Application Window
Users may configure the WS5000 application window in several ways. You can do any of the following:
• Resize WS5000 Application Window
• View Video Only (Extended View)
• Move the Navigation Panel
To enlarge the application window to full-screen view, click the Maximize button in the upper-right corner of the window. To reduce the
window size from full-screen view, click the Restore button .
To resize the application window manually:
1. Click and hold the cursor on any edge of the window. A double-sided arrow appears, indicating that you can move that side in or out to
resize the window.
2. Drag the side until it reaches the desired size.
To switch to a video-only view, with all toolbars and menus hidden, click the Extended View button in the toolbar or press CTRL + E on
your keyboard. To exit Extended View, press the ESC key or CTRL + E keys on your keyboard. You may also exit by right-clicking a video pane and
then selecting Exit Extended View. To switch from workspace to workspace while in extended view, press the letter N to view the next
workspace and the letter P to view the previous workspace.
Figure 9. Extended View (Video Only)
The Navigation panel allows you to select cameras for display. You may prefer to have this frequently accessed panel on the opposite side of the
screen, or you may prefer to leave it in the default position. The WS5000 interface allows you to switch the placement of the Navigation panel
with a single click of a button.
To change the location of the Navigation panel:
• Click the Move button located along the top of the Navigation panel to move it to the opposite side of the screen.
• Click the Move button located in the top of the Navigation panel to move it to the opposite side of the screen.