C1624M-F (9/07) 163
see also Alarms and alarm array configuration
acknowledging 58
comments, reading 58
decoder configuration 102
encoder configuration 99–100
events, adding note to system log about 58
notification by e-mail 56
notification of 56
removing alarms on external monitors 41
responding to 55
selecting adjacent 57
selecting several nonadjacent 57
snoozing 56, 58
system log entries, adding 56
user configuration preferences 123
Alarms and alarm array configuration
see also Alarms
about 107
assigning a location 88
disabling alarms 108
dwell time 109
individual alarms 108
instructions for operators 109
normally open or normally closed 109
severity settings 109
supervised and unsupervised 108
Alerts, display locations on monitors for 104
adjusting volume 25
associating audio with cameras 92
configuring for individual cameras 96
encoder configuration 99–100
manually recording audio 62
monitor configuration 103
removing camera associations 93
Authenticating exported video, see Endura Player
Behaviors, see Camera configuration
Behaviors, see Video analytic behaviors
Behaviors, see Video analytic behaviors
Bit rates for video streams 82
Camera configuration
see also Camera menus, Cameras
about 90
audio associations 92
audio settings 96
behaviors 97
brightness 95
from camera menus 43
contrast 95
creating a camera group 92
deleting a camera group 92
general settings 91
how to configure a camera 90
hue 95
motion detection 95
multicasting 94
noise filters 94
picture quality, overriding system settings for 94
protocol selection 90
removing audio associations 93
renaming a camera group 92
saturation 95
unicasting 94
video analytics 97
Camera menus
see also Camera configuration, Cameras
about 43
accessing 43
exiting 44
see also Camera configuration, Camera menus
advanced device properties, viewing 34
device properties, viewing 34
diagnostic information, viewing 35
disconnecting 25
patterns, using 45
presets 45
programming cameras from on-screen menus 43
PTZ controls 31
scans 45
selecting by number 24
settings, viewing 36
viewing live video from 23
wiper command 33
Capturing snapshots 76
Color adjustment during monitor configuration 105
Configuring devices
see also specific devices
assigning locations 88
assigning names 88
changing device locations 89
copying settings from one device to another 87
default settings restored 87
deleting devices 87
device hierarchy, viewing the 86
device tree, sorting the 85
Devices tab, settings on the 84
filtering device lists 85
minimum configuration requirements 88
selecting devices 84
sorting the device tree 85
viewing device hierarchy 86
Configuring the application window 18
Configuring the software
Extended View 18
navigation pane, moving the 18
resizing the window 18