
This example shows how to set the LACP-enabled interface to active port-channel mode for Ethernet interface
1/4 in channel group 5:
switch# configure terminal
switch (config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# channel-group 5 mode active
This example shows how to forcefully add an interface to the channel group 5:
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/1
switch(config-if)# channel-group 5 force
Configuring the LACP Fast Timer Rate
You can change the LACP timer rate to modify the duration of the LACP timeout. Use the lacp rate command
to set the rate at which LACP control packets are sent to an LACP-supported interface. You can change the
timeout rate from the default rate (30 seconds) to the fast rate (1 second). This command is supported only
on LACP-enabled interfaces.
Before You Begin
Ensure that you have enabled the LACP feature.
PurposeCommand or Action
Enters configuration mode.switch# configure terminal
Step 1
Specifies the interface to configure and enters the
interface configuration mode.
switch(config)# interface type slot/port
Step 2
Configures the fast rate (one second) at which LACP
control packets are sent to an LACP-supported
switch(config-if)# lacp rate fast
Step 3
This example shows how to configure the LACP fast rate on Ethernet interface 1/4:
switch# configure terminal
switch (config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# lacp rate fast
This example shows how to restore the LACP default rate (30 seconds) on Ethernet interface 1/4.
switch# configure terminal
switch (config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# no lacp rate fast
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 5.2(1)N1(1)
78-26881-OL 59
Configuring Port Channels
Configuring the LACP Fast Timer Rate