
Layer 4 CriteriaLayer 3 CriteriaLayer 2 CriteriaConfiguration
Source and destination
MAC, source and
destination IP , and source
and destination port
Source and destination
MAC, source and
destination IP
Source and destination
Source and destination
TCP/UDP port
Use the option that provides the balance criteria with the greatest variety in your configuration. For example,
if the traffic on a port channel is going only to a single MAC address and you use the destination MAC address
as the basis of port-channel load balancing, the port channel always chooses the same link in that port channel;
using source addresses or IP addresses might result in better load balancing.
Understanding LACP
LACP Overview
You must enable the LACP feature before you can configure and use LACP functions.Note
The following figure shows how individual links can be combined into LACP port channels and channel
groups as well as function as individual links.
Figure 4: Individual Links Combined into a Port channel
With LACP, just like with static port-channels, you can bundle up to 16 interfaces in a channel group.
When you delete the port channel, Cisco NX-OS automatically deletes the associated channel group. All
member interfaces revert to their previous configuration.
You cannot disable LACP while any LACP configurations are present.
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 5.2(1)N1(1)
78-26881-OL 51
Configuring Port Channels
Understanding LACP