• If a port channel is created in global configuration mode, channel groups including member interfaces
must also be created using global configuration mode.
• Port channels that are configured within switch profile mode may have members both inside and outside
of a switch profile.
• If you want to import a member interface to a switch profile, the port channel that corresponds with the
member interface must also be present within the switch profile.
For more information on switch profiles, see the .
Compatibility Requirements
When you add an interface to a port channel group, Cisco NX-OS checks certain interface attributes to ensure
that the interface is compatible with the channel group. Cisco NX-OS also checks a number of operational
attributes for an interface before allowing that interface to participate in the port-channel aggregation.
The compatibility check includes the following operational attributes:
• Port mode
• Access VLAN
• Trunk native VLAN
• Allowed VLAN list
• Speed
• 802.3x flow control setting
The Cisco Nexus device only supports system level MTU. This attribute cannot be changed on an
individual port basis.
• Broadcast/Unicast/Multicast Storm Control setting
• Priority-Flow-Control
• Untagged CoS
Use the show port-channel compatibility-parameters command to see the full list of compatibility checks
that Cisco NX-OS uses.
You can only add interfaces configured with the channel mode set to on to static port channels. You can also
only add interfaces configured with the channel mode as active or passive to port channels that are running
LACP. You can configure these attributes on an individual member port.
When the interface joins a port channel, the following individual parameters are replaced with the values on
the port channel:
• Bandwidth
• MAC address
• Spanning Tree Protocol
The following interface parameters remain unaffected when the interface joins a port channel:
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 5.2(1)N1(1)
78-26881-OL 47
Configuring Port Channels
Compatibility Requirements