• For a Layer 4 frame, it uses the source and destination MAC addresses and the source and destination
IP addresses.
You have the option to include the source and destination port number for the Layer 4
You can configure the switch to use one of the following methods (see the following table for more details)
to load balance across the port channel:
• Destination MAC address
• Source MAC address
• Source and destination MAC address
• Destination IP address
• Source IP address
• Source and destination IP address
• Destination TCP/UDP port number
• Source TCP/UDP port number
• Source and destination TCP/UDP port number
Table 4: Port Channel Load-Balancing Criteria
Layer 4 CriteriaLayer 3 CriteriaLayer 2 CriteriaConfiguration
Destination MACDestination MACDestination MACDestination MAC
Source MACSource MACSource MACSource MAC
Source and destination
Source and destination
Source and destination
Source and destination
Destination MAC,
destination IP
Destination MAC,
destination IP
Destination MACDestination IP
Source MAC, source IPSource MAC, source IPSource MACSource IP
Source and destination
MAC, source and
destination IP
Source and destination
MAC, source and
destination IP
Source and destination
Source and destination IP
Destination MAC,
destination IP, destination
Destination MAC,
destination IP
Destination MACDestination TCP/UDP
Source MAC, source IP,
source port
Source MAC, source IPSource MACSource TCP/UDP port
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 5.2(1)N1(1)
78-26881-OL 49
Configuring Port Channels
Load Balancing Using Port Channels