PurposeCommand or Action
The vpc-orphan-port suspend command
is supported only on physical ports.
Exits interface configuration mode.switch(config-if)# exit
Step 4
Displays the orphan port configuration.
switch# show vpc orphan-port
Step 5
Copies the running configuration to the startup
switch# copy running-config
Step 6
This example shows how to suspend an orphan port:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet ½0
switch(config-if)# vpc orphan-port suspend
This example shows how to display ports that are not part of the vPC but that share common VLANs with
ports that are part of the vPC:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# show vpc orphan-ports
--------::Going through port database. Please be patient.::--------
VLAN Orphan Ports
------- -------------------------
1 Po600
2 Po600
3 Po600
4 Po600
5 Po600
6 Po600
7 Po600
8 Po600
9 Po600
10 Po600
11 Po600
12 Po600
13 Po600
14 Po600
Creating an EtherChannel Host Interface
To connect to a downstream server from a Cisco Nexus 2000 Series Fabric Extender you can create a
EtherChannel host interface. An EtherChannel host interface can have only one host interface as a member
depending on the fabric extender model. The Cisco Nexus 2148T allows only one interface member per fabric
extender, newer fabric extenders allow up to 8 members of the same port-channel on a single fabric extender.
You need to create an EtherChannel host interface to configure a vPC on it that uses the Fabric Extender
Before You Begin
Ensure that you have enabled the vPC feature.
Ensure that the connected Fabric Extender is online.
Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 5.2(1)N1(1)
88 78-26881-OL
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Creating an EtherChannel Host Interface