Chapter 2. Message and Recovery Procedures 13
PLATFORM_CIGESM-5-DISABLE_EXTERN: Request from Management Module: disable all external ethernet ports
gi0/17 - 20.
Explanation This message means that the switch received a request from the management module to
shut down ports 17 to 20.
Response No action is required.
PLATFORM_CIGESM-5-DISABLE_EXTERNMGMT: Request from Management Module: Switch can be managed
from mgmt module ports only gi0/15 - 16.
Explanation This message means that the switch can only be managed through ports 15 and 16 through
the management module. HTTP, SNMP, and Telnet data paths must go through the management module.
Response No action is required.
PLATFORM_CIGESM-5-ENABLE_EXTERN: Request from Management Module: enable external ethernet ports
gi0/17 - 20.
Explanation This message means that the switch performed a no shutdown interface configuration
command on ports 17 to 20, because of a request from the management module to enable these ports.
Response No action is required.
PLATFORM_CIGESM-5-ENABLE_EXTERNMGMT: Request from Management Module: Switch can be managed
from all ports.
Explanation This message means that the switch can be managed through ports 17 - 20 as well as
through the management module ports 15 and 16.
Response No action is required.
PLATFORM_CIGESM-5-MM_NEITHER: The Switch Module cannot detect either Managment Module as active.
Explanation This message means that the switch cannot determine which management module is the
active primary. This does not affect the operation of the switch.
Response No action is required.
PLATFORM_CIGESM-5-MM_SWITCHOVER: The active Managment Module is now in slot [dec].
Explanation This message means that the switch recognizes that the management module in the
specified slot is the active primary. [dec] is the chassis slot number.
Response No action is required.