Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tips
CRS Engine Problems
CRS Engine is running but calls are not answered
Symptom The CRS Engine is running but the CRS system does not answer calls.
Error Message None.
Possible Cause The JTAPI subsystem is out of service, the trigger is disabled, the application is disabled,
the maximum number of sessions or maximum number of tasks were exceeded, or no CTI ports or
media channels are available for the trigger.
Complete the following steps:
Step 1 From the CRS Administration web page, choose System > Control Center, pick up the servers on the
left panel, and expand the CRS Engine to verify that the JTAPI subsystem is in service.
If the JTAPI subsystem is in partial service, see the “JTAPI subsystem is in partial service”
troubleshooting tip in this guide.
If the JTAPI subsystem out of service, refer to the “CRS Provisioning for Cisco Unified Communications
Manager” section in the Cisco Customer Response Solutions Administration Guide for information
about configuration.
Step 2 From the CRS Administration web page, choose Subsystems > JTAPI and click the JTAPI Triggers
hyperlink. If False appears in the Enabled column for the trigger, double-click the trigger, click the
Enabled Yes radio button, and then click Update.
Step 3 From the CRS Administration web page, choose Applications > Configure Applications. If No appears
in the Enabled column for the application, double-click the application, click the Enabled Yes radio
button, and then click Update.
Step 4 In the CRS trace files, verify that the calls do not exceed the maximum number of allowed sessions.
Step 5 In the CRS trace files, verify that the calls do not exceed the maximum number of allowed tasks.
Step 6 In the CRS trace files, make sure that there are no messages regarding insufficient free CTI ports or
media channels.
Changing the time on CRS machines results in agents getting logged off
Symptom Agents got logged off and Cisco Agent Desktop out-of-service and wrap-up timer delay
expired when the time was changed on CRS.
Error Message None.
Possible Cause If wrap-up timers are being used on Cisco Agent Desktops, changing the CRS time can
cause erroneous firings of the timers.
Recommended Action Do not change the system time on CRS machines.