Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tips
High Availability and Failover
Conflicts in Datastore Control Center history
Symptom With high availability, messages appear in the comment column in the subscription agent
history. To see the message from CRS Administration, select Datastore Control Center > History for
a subscription agent.
Error Message A message similar to Downloaded 111 data changes (0 inserts, 111 updates, 0
deletes, 111 conflicts)
Possible Cause To support high availability, SQL merge replication is being used to replicate data
between the subscriber node and the publisher. As part of this, SQL logs these messages in the
subscription agent history.
Recommended Action No user action required.
Cannot make configuration changes in HA cluster
Symptom Unable to make configuration changes in a high availability cluster when one node is down.
Error Message None.
Possible Cause If one node is down, configuration changes cannot be made because the changes are
written to both configuration datastores at the same time.
Recommended Action Do the following:
Step 1 Make sure that the Publisher is the active node. If it is not, use CRS Administration to make it the active
node for all datastores.
Step 2 Deactivate CDS and HDS for the inactive node using the Component Activation link.
Cannot make configuration changes in RmCm Subsystem
Symptom In a high availability deployment, the user cannot make changes to the configuration in the
RmCm subsystem, such as add/remove skills, team and so forth.
Error Message There was an error reading/updating the database. Please contact your administrator.
Possible Cause Unified CCX stores configuration data in Configuration Datastore, which is managed by
the Microsoft SQL database. The high availability databases use Microsoft Distributed Transaction
Coordinator (MS DTC) service to communicate with each other, and MS DTC service uses the
NetBIOS name of its peer to talk to other MS DTC services. This problem is caused by invalid name
resolution of the database nodes so that MS DTC cannot communicate.
Recommended Action Make sure the two database nodes can communicate with each other, not just by IP
address, because DTC also requires that you are able to resolve computer names by way of NetBIOS or
DNS. You can test whether or not NetBIOS can resolve the names by using ping and the server name.
The client computer must be able to resolve the name of the server, and the server must be be able to
resolve the name of the client. If NetBIOS cannot resolve the names, you can add entries to the
LMHOSTS files on the computers.