Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Chapter 4 Trace
The CRS Log Files
The CRS Log Collection Tool dialog box appears.
Step 3 Enter the path and name of the zip file you want to create and click Save. This collects all the log files
on the system into the zip file. If you want to limit the number of files by date, time, and component, and
if you want to select another location for the zip file, check the Advanced Options check box, and the
dialog box appears with more options.
Step 4 Enter the information to limit the collection of log files by date and time. Check the check boxes of the
components for which you want to collect log files, and then browse to a location where you want to
move the zip file, by clicking the... button next to the Source Drive field. Select the location for the zip
file; it then appears in the Source Drive field. Then click Save.
If you choose a location on the CRS system instead of on a network drive, a warning message appears
asking if you want to continue.
Step 5 Click Yes to save the file to the CRS system, or click No to go back and select another location on a
network drive.
When you click Yes, the tool displays a dialog box with the estimated disk space to be used by the zip
file before actually writing the zip file.
Step 6 ClickYes to continue, or click No if you want to stop the collection of log files into the zip file.
While the tool is collecting the log files, a Progress dialog box appears.