Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Chapter 1 About Serviceability
CiscoWorks Support
• Alarms—Use Alarms to obtain the run-time status and state of the Cisco CRS system and to take
corrective action to fix detected problems. You can forward alarms to a Syslog server, to an SNMP
trap subagent, or to a Windows Event Log. For more information, see
Alarm Service, page 3-1.
• Trace—Provides specific, detailed Cisco CRS information for troubleshooting system problems.
You can also send alarms to a trace file for further analysis and you can specify what level of event
information is sent to the trace file. For more information, see
Trace, page 4-1.
• Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) Support—Sends messages containing system information to a
designated multicast address. For more information, see
Cisco Discovery Protocol Support,
page 5-1.
• Syslog Support—Sends common event logging messages in standard Syslog format to any
third-party Syslog server. For more information, see
Alarm Service, page 3-1.
• Cisco Support Tools—The Node Agent utility of Cisco Support Tools helps you collect log
information and troubleshoot Cisco CRS servers. For more information, see
Cisco Support Tools,
page 6-1.
You can obtain additional system troubleshooting information using the following tools:
• CiscoWorks—Provides a suite of web-based applications for managing Cisco devices. For more
information, see
CiscoWorks Support, page 1-2.
• Third-Party Network Management Systems—Provide Simple Network Management Protocol-based
browser, Syslog support, and other system management tools.
• Microsoft Windows 2003 Performance Monitoring—Allows you to monitor the performance of the
Cisco CRS system. For more information, refer to your Microsoft Windows documentation.
• Microsoft Windows 2003 Terminal Service—Provides remote systems with access to
Windows-based applications through terminal emulation. Windows 2003 Server Terminal Services
are integrated with the Windows 2003 operating system. For more information, refer to your
Microsoft Windows documentation.
CiscoWorks Support
CiscoWorks, available as a separate package, provides a suite of web-based applications for managing
Cisco devices. It is the network management system (NMS) of choice for the Cisco CRS system and for
other Cisco devices.
The Cisco CRS system integrates with these CiscoWorks applications:
• Cisco Unified Operations Manager (Operations Manager)—Operations Manager tracks the health
of Cisco Unified Communications environments by proactively monitoring Cisco voice elements in
the network to alert operations personnel to potential problems and to help minimize Unified
Communications service downtime.
• Resource Management Essentials (RME)—Providestools for collecting Syslog messages from
multiple sources for system-level fault monitoring and analysis.
• Campus Manager—Provides network topology services, user tracking, and path analysis. Campus
Manager Topology Services can display a map of your network and it can display a variety of
information about each device on the network. It provides version, run-time status, and URLs of the
applications on the devices and it provides filtering to display only specified devices. User Tracking
provides a tool that tracks IP telephones on a Voice over IP (VoIP) network. Path Analysis provides
a diagnostic application that traces connectivity between two specified points on a network and
analyzes physical and logical paths.