Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tips
CRS Database Problems
The CRS Admin Utility will not run on a none bootstrap node
Symptom The CRS Admin Utility will not run on a none bootstrap node.
Error Message Local system is not a Bootstrap Server Node. Please run CRS Admin
Utility on a Bootstrap Server Node.
Possible Cause An attempt was made to run the CRS Admin Utility on a none bootstrap server node. ON
CRS 5.0 2-node systems, both nodes are bootstrap servers. A none bootstrap server will be a DB
node or a VOP node.
Recommended Action You must run the CRS Admin Utility on a bootstrap server node. Only the bootstrap
server has the required bootstrap data storage installed.
The CRS Admin Utility will not run since the Node Manager hung
Symptom The CRS Admin Utility will not run since the Node Manager hung.
Error Message Failed to shut down remote bootstrap server Node Manager on
<server_name>. Please shut it down manually and try again.
Possible Cause Anything running on the system could potentially hang the Node Manger and make it fail
to shutdown smoothy or the window could not bring the node manager down.
Recommended Action Manually shut down the Node Manager from the window service, or reboot the
system, or first power down the system and then reboot it.
CRS Database Problems
This section contains the following troubleshooting tips on CRS Database problems:
• Cannot configure Application or System parameters from their pages in CRS Administration,
page 8-26
• HR client login error, page 8-26
• Cannot activate DB components on HA node, page 8-26
• CRS Databases are not purged as expected, page 8-26
• Historical Database db_cra is full, page 8-27
• E-mail notification of database purging activities is not sent, page 8-27
• Syslog or SNMP trap notification of database purging activities is not sent, page 8-28