Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tips
CRS Historical Reporting Problems
Step 3 If after successfully connecting to the CRS Administration web page the client error persists, modify
your client hrcConfig.ini file by updating AuthReqTimeOut in the General section to a larger value than
the current one (default value is 15 seconds).
Step 4 Restart your Cisco CRS Historical Reports client and attempt to log in again.
Scheduler DOS exception error received when running a custom report
Symptom When running a custom report, the following error message appears in the
CiscoSchPrintExport.log file:
Error Message ERROR Descripton=Dos error, thread in Export method=Exception.
Possible Cause The DOS error can occur when the database is not accessible from the client machine at
the scheduled report time.
Recommended Action Schedule a report with an export format other than CSV and check the result for the
same report.
Columns displaced in Excel spreadsheet when exporting a report
Symptom When exporting an Agent Summary Report (by agent) to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, the
Avg and Max statistics column headings are displaced.
Error Message None.
Possible Cause Information can be displaced if the extended Excel format is not used.
Recommended Action Use the Microsoft Excel 7. (XLS) Extended format in the Export dialog box while
exporting the report to Excel. This will pop up a second dialog box. Use the default settings.
Scheduler icon does not appear in Windows status bar
Symptom The Scheduler icon does not appear in the Windows status bar under a terminal service session.
Error Message None.
Possible Cause This system is working as designed while running under a terminal service session.
Recommended Action If you need to access features from the Scheduler icon, you must do so from the
computer on which the Scheduler is installed.