D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 Panel and Area Wide Parameters EN | 67
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
Keypad Programming of the Keypad Programming
1. Refer to Figure 1 on page 7 to access Keypad
Programming and navigate to the DISABLE KP
PROG option. Press [ENT].
2. The current keypad programming configuration
shows (for example, ALLOWED: YES).
3. Press [ENT] to change the configuration. The
keypad reads PRG ALLOWED: followed by YES
or NO.
4. Press [NEXT] or [PREV] to toggle to YES to allow
keypad programming or No to disable keypad
programming, and then press [ENT] to save the
When the keypad reads PARAMETER SAVED, your
selection has been configured.
You can continue using the current
programming session. Keypad
programming is disabled once you exit
the current session.
1. Refer to Figure 2 on page 8 to access Keypad
Programming and navigate to the Disable
Keypad Prog option.
2. The current keypad programming configuration
shows (for example, Keypad Programming
Allowed: Yes).
3. Press the Edit softkey to change the area’s
4. Press the Yes or No softkey, and then press the
Save softkey to save the changes.
5. Press the Save softkey to save the changes.
6. When the keypad reads Parameter Saved, your
selection has been configured.
You can continue using the current
programming session. Keypad
programming is disabled once you exit
the current session.
2.10.6 Authority Level Selections
Use Section 2.10.6 Authority Level Selections on
page 66 to determine which Authority Level can
access keypad functions that are passcode
protected. Selecting Enable items in the Authority
Level section is not necessary if the keypad function
is disabled or enabled. Each individual function has
two selections you can use for the authority level you
are programming.
Table 25: Authority Level Selections
Disabled: This function is not
authorized for the user who is
assigned this authority level.
Enabled: This function is
authorized for the user who is
assigned this authority level.
Authority Level
Default: 1
1 to 14
Enter the number of the authority level you want to
program. Authority Level 15 (Service Passcode)
cannot be edited.
To determine the L## default values on
pages 67 through 76, refer to the User
Interface section in the program record
L## Disarm
Default: Refer to the program record sheet
Selection: - or E
Function Name
1 Disarm
Use the disarming function to disarm areas that are
master armed or perimeter armed. If enabled, the
following disarming choices are available to the user
with this authority:
DISARM ALL: Disarms all areas within the CC#
Scope of the keypad being used by accessing
the Function Menu and the authority level of the
user performing the function.
DISARM AREA: Disarms only the displayed
Many options are available for arming
and disarming. Selecting an option
depends on A# Area Type and CC#
Scope. Read the definitions of area type
in Section 2.8 Area Parameters on page
5 and CC# Scope in Section 2.9.1
Keypad (Command Center) Assignment
on page 50.