D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | EN | 2
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
System Requirements
Minimum system requirements for
Classification in accordance with
ANSI/SIA CP-01-2007:
UL Listed and Classified control unit Model
D9412GV3 or D7412GV3
UL Listed and Classified keypad Model
D1256, D1257, D1260, D1255,
D1255R, or D1255 RW
UL Listed Local Bell
The minimum firmware requirements for SIA CP-01
compliance are:
Control Panel Firmware Version
D9412GV3 8.11 or later
D7412GV3 8.11 or later
CoBox is a registered trademark of Lantronix.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States or in other countries.
Molex is a registered trademark of Molex
Documentation Conventions
Type Styles Used in this Manual
To help identify important items in the text, the
following type styles are used:
A thick border is used to indicate
a main programming entry as
seen in the Remote
Programmer’s Display. It is used
as a section heading and screen
example. Shaded boxes indicate
programmer prompts that are
only available when Custom or
View events are selected.
A dashed border indicates a sub
entry under a main programming
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
Throughout this document helpful tips and notes are
presented concerning the entire application or
programming the unit. They are displayed as follows:
These warn of the possibility of physical
damage to the operator, program and/or
These warn of the possibility of physical
damage to the program and/or equipment.
Important Notes
These notes should be heeded for
successful operation and programming.