D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 4.0 Schedules (Skeds) EN | 118
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
Default: 0
Selection: 0 to 24, 28, 29
S## Cmd Center
Default: Blank (0)
Selections: Blank (0), 1 to 8
No keypad is
specified for
Custom Function
Identify the specific keypad
(CC #) where the Custom
Function is entered. Only one
keypad can be assigned for
this sked function.
1 to 8 Command center
(keypad) address
specified for
Custom Function
S## Custom Func
Default: Blank (0)
No Custom
Function is
11 Execute Custom Func: This
function emulates any of the custom
functions assigned to the keypad
that can be executed by a user from
the keypad. When a sked executes
a custom function, it is subject to
the scope of the selected keypad.
Cmd Center and Custom Func
prompts appear after entering
Function Code 11. Both entries are
Selections: Blank (0),
128 to 143 for D9412GV3,
128 to 131 for D7412GV3
Enter the custom function this
sked executes.
128 to
Custom Function
to activate.
12 Contact RPS: This function
attempts to contact an Unattended
RPS at the configured time. The
control panel’s account in RPS
controls the operations performed
upon successful contact.
Avoid having multiple functions occur at the same time at the same address. Functions can clash
and the effect on the control panel is unpredictable.
Ensure that the Custom Function being executed or any of the commands nested inside the
Custom Function are not passcode protected.
Do not program multiple skeds to execute at the same keypad during the same time.
Do not program skeds to execute at times when a user is likely to be executing functions at the
keypad. If it is necessary to do so, there are two ways to work around the situation:
1. For a D1255 keypad type, program "C","C"at the beginning of the Custom Function Key
Strokes entry. This aborts the user’s function and allows the sked to execute.
2. Program the sked to execute at an address (Cmd Center) with no keypad physically attached to
it. The CC # must be assigned to an area and have the appropriate scope programmed.
(Continued on next page.)