D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 Panel and Area Wide Parameters EN | 16
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
Phone Supv Time
Default: 0
0, 10 to 240
0 No phone line supervision.
10 to 240 Enter the number of seconds (in 10
sec increments) you wish to wait
before indicating trouble. After a
faulted phone line restores, it takes
the same amount of time to start
restoral responses.
Phone line trouble responses: Keypads display
SERVC PH LINE # to indicate which phone line
failed. The keypad initiates a trouble tone if Buzz on
Fail is Yes and CC Trouble Tone is Yes.
With dual phone lines (using the D928 Module), the
restored phone line handles all messages regardless
of the phone line’s number.
Phone, Trouble, and Restoral Events report when
they occur. They report also when a Diagnostic
Report is initiated from a keypad or by a Sked.
To meet UL 864 requirements, set this
parameter to a non-zero value.
Alarm On Fail
Default: No
Yes or No
Yes Generate alarm responses when a
phone line fails.
No Phone failures report as trouble
responses for Area 1 or the account
number associated with Area 1.
To meet UL 864 requirements, set this
parameter to No.
Phone Supv Time must be programmed
to use this feature.
Phone Failure Alarm Responses: The Alarm Bell
relay for Area 1 activates. All Phone Event messages
report as Area 1 and the account number for Area 1.
Buzz on Fail
Default: No
Yes or No
Yes Generate panel-wide trouble tones
and display PHONE FAIL # at
keypads when a Phone Fail Event
No Does not generate trouble tones at
keypads when a Phone Fail Event
occurs. PHONE FAIL # still displays.
To meet UL 864 requirements, set this
parameter to Yes.
Phone Supv Time must be programmed
to use this feature.
When Buzz on Fail is Yes, users can disable the
resulting trouble tone on individual keypads by setting
CC# Trouble Tone to No.
Two Phone Lines
Default: No
Yes or No
Yes The D928 Dual Phone Line Module
is installed. The LEDs on the D928
light to indicate primary or secondary
line trouble and COMM FAIL.
No D928 Dual Phone Line Module is not
When using two telephone lines, set this
parameter to Yes to meet UL 864
Program Phone Supv Time when using
two phone lines.