D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | EN | 4
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
Door Profile.............................................. 140
6.2 Strike Profile............................................. 143
6.3 Event Profile............................................. 145
7.0 SIA CP-01 Quick Reference................... 147
Programming Prompts Directory....................... 148
Figure 1: D1255 Keypad Programming Menu and
Page References................................... 7
Figure 2: D1260 Keypad Programming Menu and
Page References................................... 8
Figure 3: Softkey Locations on the D1260 Keypad
............................................................ 58
Figure 4: User Group 122 Example ........................ 84
Figure 5: Example Opening Window Timeline (using
two Opening Windows on same day) 107
Figure 6: COMMAND 43 Flow Chart (D1255)....... 128
Figure 7: COMMAND 43 Flow Chart (D1265)....... 129
Figure 8: Poll Rate Timeline.................................. 134
Table 1: Differences between the D9412GV3 and
D7412GV3............................................. 5
Table 2: Literature Referenced............................ 5
Table 3: UL 864 Programming Requirements ..... 9
Table 4: UL 864 Programming Recommendations
............................................................ 11
Table 5: Modem IIIa
Communication Format Data
- User ID Numbers............................... 15
Table 6: Modem IIIa
Communication Format Data
– Point Numbers.................................. 15
Table 7: D6000 User IDs and Zones ................. 15
Table 8: SDI Path Number by Device................ 18
Table 9: Fire Reports......................................... 21
Table 10: Burglar Reports ................................... 21
Table 11: User Reports ....................................... 22
Table 12: Test Reports........................................ 23
Table 13: Diagnostic Reports .............................. 24
Table 14: Relay Reports...................................... 24
Table 15: Auto-Function Reports......................... 25
Table 16: RPS Reports........................................ 25
Table 17: Point Reports....................................... 26
Table 18: User Change Reports.......................... 26
Table 19: Access Reports ................................... 27
Table 20:Event Descriptions, Priorities, and Numbers
............................................................ 27
Table 21: Verify Time .......................................... 39
Table 22: CF### Key Strokes ............................. 58
Table 23: CF### Custom Function Keystrokes ... 58
Table 24: Keypad Programming Choices............ 60
Table 25: Authority Level Selections.................... 67
Table 26: L## Secure Door-Door Mode Definitions
Table 27: Bypassing a Point................................98
Table 28: P### Relay Codes/Relays.................103
Table 29: Window Selections ............................105
Table 30: Programming for Two Same Day
Opening Windows (refer to Figure 5).108
Table 31: Programming to Link Two Days over
Midnight*............................................ 108
Table 32: Programming Example: Linking Two
Closing Windows over Midnight......... 109
Table 33: Opening and Closing Windows
Worksheet .........................................111
Table 34: Opening and Closing Windows.......... 111
Table 35: Normal Store Hours*.......................... 111
Table 36: Delivery Schedule* ............................112
Table 37: Monthly Auditor’s Schedule*..............112
Table 38: Cross Point Ranges Within Groups ...140
Table 39: Effects of Programming on Custom
Function Activation ............................141
Table 40: Programming the Control Panels for SIA
CP--01 Compliance ...........................147