D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 Panel and Area Wide Parameters EN | 55
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
For SIA CP-01 Compliance
CC# Exit Tone can be set to Yes or No.
CC# Arm Now Warning
Default: No
Yes or No
Yes This keypad activates a tone and
No This keypad does not activate the
tone or display PLEASE CLOSE
Determines whether this keypad sounds a tone and
displays the PLEASE CLOSE NOW warning on the
keypad when a Closing Window activates, indicating
the area automatically arms soon.
CC# Close Door
Default: No
Yes or No
Yes This keypad sounds a tone and
displays CLOSE DOOR #.
No This keypad does not sound the
tone or activate the display.
Determines whether this keypad sounds an audible
tone and displays the CLOSE DOOR # warning on
the keypad. This occurs when the door is physically
held open past the shunt time and the extend time
has a value greater than zero for the door assigned
to this area in CC# Assign Door. Refer to the
D9210B Program Entry Guide (P/N: 32207).
CC# Passcode Follows Scope
Default: Yes
Yes or No
Yes Master Arming allows a user to
change the armed state of the areas
within the scope of this keypad. If the
areas in the scope are already at the
intended armed state, they remain in
that state.
If the area to which this keypad is
assigned is armed, entering a
valid passcode disarms this area
and all other areas assigned to
the scope of this keypad.
If the area to which this keypad is
assigned is disarmed, entering a
valid passcode arms this area
and all other areas assigned to
the scope of this keypad.
No Restricts the scope of the keypad to
the Area programmed in CC# Area
Assign for the purpose of executing
L## Passcode Arm and
L## Passcode Disarm only.
Use this program to determine if this keypad follows
CC# Scope or if it only arms or disarms the area to
which it is assigned. The user must have authority
enabled in L## Passcode Arm and L## Passcode
Disarm. This feature does not affect the Function List
arming and disarming commands.
Tokens and cards disarm according to
this prompt. If this prompt is No, tokens
disarm only the Area to which the CC# is
assigned. The user must have disarming
rights for tokens and cards programmed
at the Disarm Level. The user does not
need disarming and arming authority for
the keypad.
You can use this prompt for a group of
account-wide keypads that only arm the
area to which they are assigned, even if
the user has a passcode with arming
authority rights in all areas.