
Chapter 2 89
Programming Fundamentals
Using the LAN to Control the Analyzer
Using the LAN to Control the Analyzer
Refer to the Users Guide Using System Features chapter for
information about configuring the analyzer input/output settings from
the front panel. Use the SYSTem commands to change settings
NOTE Remember that in any type programming using LAN you should avoid
constantly opening and closing connections. This uses up processing
resources, adds to your system overhead, and can cause problems with
asynchronous implementation of successive commands. When you are
sending the instrument multiple commands: open the connection, send
all the commands, and close the connection.
Using ftp for File Transfers on page 89.
Using Telnet to Send Commands on page 92.
Using Socket LAN to Send Commands on page 94.
Using SICL LAN to Control the Analyzer on page 95.
Using HP/Agilent VEE Over Socket LAN on page 103.
Using a Java Applet Over Socket LAN on page 104.
Using a C Program Over Socket LAN on page 104.
General LAN Troubleshooting on page 105.
Using ftp for File Transfers
File transfers can be done using the instrument LAN connection. For
example, you can use the ftp functionality to download instrument
screen dumps to an external server.
A sample ftp session might be:
ftp (<instrument IP address>)
At the name prompt enter:
At the password prompt enter:
You are now in the instrument /users directory and can get files from
the analyzer. Type in help at the prompt to see the ftp commands that
are available on your system. Typing quit will end your ftp session.
NOTE Do NOT delete files from this directory. Most of the files are required
for the instrument, and its optional personality modes, to operate.