
356 Chapter 5
Language Reference
SENSe Subsystem
Range: 10 Hz to 10.0 MHz (15 MHz when Service mode is
Default Unit: Hz
Remarks: The actual measured span will generally be slightly
wider due to the finite resolution of the FFT.
To use this command, the appropriate mode should be
selected with INSTrument:SELect.
SpectrumSweep (Acquisition) Time
[:SENSe]:SPECtrum:SWEep:TIME[:VALue] <time>
Set the sweep (measurement acquisition) time. It is used to specify the
length of the time capture record. If the specified value is less than the
capture time required for the specified span and resolution bandwidth,
the value is ignored. The value is set at its auto value when auto is
selected. This is an advanced control that normally does not need to be
Factory Preset
and *RST: 188.0
15.059 ms, for iDEN mode
Range: 100 ns to 10 s
Default Unit: seconds
Remarks: You must be in the Service mode to use this command.
Use INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.
This command only effects the RF envelope trace.
SpectrumSweep (Acquisition) Time Auto
Select auto or manual control of the sweep (acquisition) time. This is an
advanced control that normally does not need to be changed.
AUTO - couples the Sweep Time to the Frequency Span and
Resolution BW
Manual - the Sweep Time is uncoupled from the Frequency Span
and Resolution BW.