
346 Chapter 5
Language Reference
SENSe Subsystem
Reference Oscillator Source
[:SENSe]:ROSCillator:SOURce INTernal|EXTernal
Select the reference oscillator (time base) source. Use ROSC:EXT:FREQ
to tell the instrument the frequency of the external reference.
INTernal - uses internally generated 10 MHz reference signal
EXTernal - uses the signal at the rear panel external reference input
and *RST: Persistent State with factory default of Internal
Remarks: Global to system.
Front Panel
System, Reference, Ref Oscillator
Spectrum (Frequency-Domain) Measurement
Commands for querying the spectrum measurement results and for
setting to the default values are found in the MEASure Group of
Commands on page 255. The equivalent front panel keys for the
parameters described in the following commands, are found under the
Meas Setup key, after the Spectrum (Freq Domain) measurement has been
selected from the
MEASURE key menu.
SpectrumData Acquisition Packing
Select the amount of data acquisition packing. This is an advanced
control that normally does not need to be changed.
Factory Preset
and *RST: AUTO
Remarks: To use this command, the appropriate mode should be
selected with INSTrument:SELect.