
Chapter 5 385
Language Reference
SYSTem Subsystem
Day - is an integer from 1 to 31 (depending on the month)
Example: SYST:DAT 2001,4,15
Front Panel
System, Time/Date, Set Date
Error Information Query
This command queries the earliest entry in the error queue and then
deletes that entry. It can be used to continuously monitor the error
queue for the occurrence of an error.
*CLS clears the entire error queue.
Example: SYST:ERR?
Front Panel
System, Show Errors
Locate SCPI Command Errors
:SYSTem:ERRor:VERBose OFF|ON|0|1
Adds additional information to the error messages returned by the
SYSTem:ERRor? command. It indicates which SCPI command was
executing when the error occured and what about that command was
<error number>,<error message>;<annotated SCPI command>
Example: First set SYST:ERR:VERBOSE ON
If the command SENSe:FREQuently:CENTer 942.6MHz
is sent, then sending SYST:ERR? returns:
113,Undefined header;SENSe:FREQuently:<Err>CENTer 942.6MHz $<NL>
The <Err> shown after FREQuently shows you the
spelling error. (The $<NL> is the typical representation
for the command terminator.
If the command SENSe:FREQuency:CENTer 942.6Sec
is sent, then sending SYST:ERR? returns:
113,Invalid suffix;SENSe:FREQuency:CENTer 942.6Sec<Err> $<NL>
The <Err> shown after Sec shows you the invalid suffix.