
Chapter 5 317
Language Reference
SENSe Subsystem
RFBurst for MS
Remarks: You must be in Basic, cdmaOne, iDEN, NADC, or PDC
mode to use this command. Use INSTrument:SELect to
set the mode.
In Basic mode, for offset frequencies >12.5 MHz, the
external triggers will be a more reliable trigger source
than RF burst. Also, you can use the Waveform
measurement to set up trigger delay.
Adjacent Channel PowerPower Reference
Selects the measurement type. This allows you to make absolute and
relative power measurements of either total power or the power
normalized to the measurement bandwidth.
Power Spectral Density Reference (PSDRef) - the power spectral
density is used as the power reference
Total Power Reference (TPRef) - the total power is used as the power
Factory Preset
and *RST: Total power reference (TPRef)
Remarks: You must be in the Basic, cdmaOne, cdma2000,
W-CDMA (3GPP), W-CDMA (Trial & Arib), NADC, or
PDC mode to use this command. Use
INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.
Baseband IQ Commands
Baseband I/Q - Select I/Q Power Range
[:SENSe]:POWer:IQ:RANGe[:UPPer] <power> [DBM]|DBMV|W
Selects maximum total power expected from unit under test at test port
when I or Q port is selected.
Range: For 50 Ohms:
13.0, 7.0. 1.0, or
5.1 dBm
60.0, 54.0, 48.0, or 41.9 dBmV
0.02, 0.005, 0.0013, or 0.00031 W