
Chapter 2 101
Programming Fundamentals
Using the LAN to Control the Analyzer
Controlling Your Analyzer with SICL LAN and HP/Agilent
BASIC for Windows
Before you can use HP/Agilent BASIC for Windows with SICL LAN, you
need to set up VISA/SICL LAN I/O drivers for use with your BASIC
applications. Consult your BASIC documentation for information how
to do this.
To set up SICL LAN for BASIC, add the following statement to your
AUTOST program (all on a single line):
LOAD BIN “GPIBS;DEV lan[analyzer IP address]:GPIB name TIME 30 ISC 7”
Replace analyzer IP address with the IP address of your analyzer,
GPIP name with the GPIB name given to your analyzer, and 7 with the
logical unit number.
For example, the following LOAD statement should be added to your
AUTOST program for the parameters listed below:
analyzer IP address 12.22.344.225
analyzer GPIB name inst0
logical unit number 7
timeout value (seconds) 30
LOAD statement (all on a single line)
LOAD BIN GPIBS;DEV lan[12.22.344.225]:inst0 TIME 30
ISC 7Consult your BASIC documentation to learn how to load the
SICL driver for BASIC.
After the SICL driver is loaded, you control your analyzer using
commands such as the following:
ENTER 718; S$
where 18 is the device address for the analyzer.
See the BASIC example program in this chapter for more information.