8. Europe
9. Indian Ocean
10. Pacific Ocean
Enter continent [2] :
Press the Enter or Return key to accept 2 as the suggested answer.
Please select a country from the following list:
1. Antigua & Barbuda 18. Ecuador 35. Panama
2. Anguilla 19. Grenada 36. Peru
3. Netherlands Antilles 20. French Guiana 37. St Pierre & Miquelon
4. Argentina 21. Greenland 38. Puerto Rico
5. Aruba 22. Guadeloupe 39. Paraguay
6. Barbados 23. Guatemala 40. Suriname
7. Bolivia 24. Guyana 41. El Salvador
8. Brazil 25. Honduras 42. Turks & Caicos Is
9. Bahamas 26. Haiti 43. Trinidad & Tobago
10. Belize 27. Jamaica 44. United States
11. Canada 28. St Kitts & Nevis 45. Uruguay
12. Chile 29. Cayman Islands 46. St Vincent
13. Colombia 30. St Lucia 47. Venezuela
14. Costa Rica 31. Martinique 48. Virgin Islands (UK)
15. Cuba 32. Montserrat 49. Virgin Islands (US)
16. Dominica 33. Mexico
17. Dominican Republic 34. Nicaragua
Enter country [44] :
Press the Enter or Return key to accept 44 as the suggested answer.
Please select a time zone from the following list:
1. Alaska Time
2. Alaska Time - Alaska panhandle
3. Alaska Time - Alaska panhandle neck
4. Alaska Time - west Alaska
5. Aleutian Islands
6. Central Time
7. Central Time - Michigan - Wisconsin border
8. Central Time - North Dakota - Oliver County
9. Eastern Standard Time - Indiana - Crawford County
10. Eastern Standard Time - Indiana - Starke County
11. Eastern Standard Time - Indiana - Switzerland County
12. Eastern Standard Time - Indiana - most locations
13. Eastern Time
14. Eastern Time - Kentucky - Louisville area
15. Eastern Time - Kentucky - Wayne County
16. Eastern Time - Michigan - most locations
17. Hawaii