
Dual Server Initial Installation 51
*** Checking table Credentials ***
Creating table Credentials
*** Checking table mail_account ***
Creating table mail_account
*** Checking table eventgroup ***
Creating table eventgroup
*** Checking table eventgroup_notify ***
Creating table eventgroup_notify
*** Checking table gateway_map ***
Creating table gateway_map
*** Checking table confusers ***
Creating table confusers
*** Checking table thirdparty ***
Creating table thirdparty
*** Checking table election ***
Creating table election
*** Checking table persongroup ***
Creating table persongroup
*** Checking table sipd_config ***
Creating table sipd_config
*** Checking table ssl_config ***
Creating table ssl_config
-- createdb is complete
-- *IMPORTANT*: Adding administrator root@master.yourcompany.com with password root
-- Database is successfully initialized.
MYSQL host is localhost
MYSQL user is root
Enter the IP address of the VCX Data Server:
Enter the IP address of the VCX data server that contains the global
directory of users to be downloaded to this IP Conferencing Module.
Enter the username for VCX DB Sync: vcx
Enter the username for VCX database synchronization.
Enter the password for VCX DB Sync: vcx
Enter the password for VCX database synchronization. The password
does not echo on the screen.
Do users on this VCX have their home presence server on this installation (y/n)?[y]:
Assuming the default value as y
Enter no [n] if the VCX data server containing the global directory of users
(see above) is not a local VCX for this installation.
# SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.6.1p2
# SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.6.1p2