Dual Server Initial Installation 57
End of Network Configuration
The network configuration is complete. If necessary, you can re-run this
portion of the script by entering vcx-config-network -wizard.
Start of System Configuration
After successful completion of the network configuration, the script will
prompt you to select a set of services.
----------------------- Select System Configuration -----------------------
Individual systems may provide various services in a VCX installation.You
must select the appropriate set of services which this system is to
provide. Be certain that the selection corresponds to the functionality
you have purchased.
Which services will this system provide?
1. Presence and Conference - all in one
2. Conferencing server
3. Conferencing and database server
4. Data server for presence and conferencing
5. Presence server (with database)
Enter your choice (1-5) : 3
Select “3” to install the following components:
- conference server
- conference attendant server
- conference & presence database.
You have chosen to configure this system to provide:
Conferencing and database server
Note that in order for these services to work, you must have purchased an
appropriate license and installed the corresponding license activation key
on this system.
*** WARNING *** Once you confirm your selection, you cannot change it.
Are you absolutely certain that you wish to configure this system as an