* Output, from this install session, was saved to:
* install_log.Jan_12_2006
Would you like to start the 3Com IP Conferencing Module services now?
(N/Y) [N]: y
Starting VCX Services:
Starting vcx/db_watchdog: [ OK ]
Starting vcx/confbridge: [ OK ]
Starting vcx/sipconf: [ OK ]
Started VCX Services: 3 started.
All services will start.
End of IP Conferencing Module Configuration
Post Installation
Before the 3Com IP Conferencing Module can be used, the VCX system
must be configured to work with it. The following items must be set up:
n Create Routes to the:
n Conference Server
n Conference Attendant
n Presence Server Configuration
n Test the E-mail Notification Setup.
Set up Conference
Server Routes
You must program the VCX dial plan with one or more routes to the
conference server pool. If you have only one server (an “all-in-one”
implementation), then only one route is required. If you have two or more
servers, then at least two routes are required to provide redundancy. The
VCX system uses the routes to forward SIP INVITE messages to the
designated “routing” conference servers, which in turn redirect callers to
the appropriate “hosting” conference servers.
Different conference types may require different routes. For example, if
users dial the prefix 76 to call Ad Hoc conferences and 74 to call other
conferences, then one route is required for dial pattern 76 and another is
required for dial pattern 74.
For information on how to program the VCX dial plan, see the 3Com VCX
Administration Guide.